Tijani Akanbi
    Last Name: Mojeeb
    City: Nigeria
    State/Prov: ogun State
    Country: Nigeria
    Your Age: 17years
    Playing Position: Defence Midfielder/right fullback
    Current Football Club: No Club yet
    Past Football Club: No club yet
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Red Bull football club academic
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: l luv football so much, I can prove myseif anywhere,anyplace,anytime am been given an opportunity to. Play football through all my years in school, i can do without playing football.Have traved around the african country to attend football trials.l have so many exprience in the game. am Ready to play football as professional.

    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Am good in defence aspect,i can full time of the game,good covering to my position, good attaking ability,good pull out,good making without yellow card or red card,good charater in the pitch of playing and outside the pitch,i play to instrution, i mak good asset to score, i dont like losing. l respect coach,and board of authority.

    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: To make different to the team, to give the team improvement,to show how the is important to the whole world,help the team to win many trophe, to strength the  team more and more.to improve the marketing of the team.


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