Shuja Ahmed
Last Name: Dar
City: muzaffarabad
State/Prov: Azad Kashmir
Country: Pakistan
Your Age: 16
Playing Position: centre attacking midfielder
Current Football Club: Strikers Football Club
Past Football Club: none
Football Club You Want Trial For: West Brom
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I've provided some important assists for my team mates to win many important matches. I also score goals but not much though because lack of oppurtunity to youngsters like us!
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I can play almost at every position but i prefer centre attacking midfielder. Because i can pass beautifully and because my body is strong! I prefer passing game because thats the thing m good at. M also good at shooting. And yeah i run alot thats y my frinds have named me as running machine..
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: Because i die to play professional football. Its my dream job. I want ro become succesful but in Pakistan thers no future of football and young talents are going in waste. I think i deserve and every other kid atleasts deserves a chance. To show his abilty his passion and love for football
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