> Last Name: Leone
> City: London
> State/Prov: London
> Country: United Kingdom
> Your Age: 23
> Playing Position: offensive midfielder
> Current Football Club: none
> Past Football Clubs: Catania, Acireale, Aci Catena ext
> Football Club you want a trial for: mancester united
> Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I played since when I was younger for a lot of club up to Catania that now is playing in serie A. After that I started to play in some semi-pro teams and now I'm looking for a good opportunities
> Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: based more on tecnical skills than physically power. I'm use to shot free and corner kicks.
> I'm use to base my gameplay on tactics and a good precision on passes and kicks.
> Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: Because I've enough experience I think to play in an competitive team and enough potencial to reach great results
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