Last Name: Mokhtar
City: Manchester
State/Prov: M14 4sx
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age: 16
Playing Position: Goalkeeper
Current Football Club: Platt lane
Past Football Club: Hough end griffin
Football Club You Want Trial For: Everton,Stoke City, Manchester United
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Hello my name is majid im a goalkeeper(6'3) for platt lane which i would like to join any pro or semi team , i was playing for blackburn and leeds at a young age which i have been dropped which that was a great impact in my life, which made me stronger mentally by training hard which made me push on really hard in my life. Which i think that should be needed in a goalkeeper which could work hard and gain belief in himself which i did and it helped me grew physically and made me want more from being only a person it made me want to become a great professional keeper which i am. Training hard was a great thing that helps me focus about me being wanted into clubs.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I'm a fantastic goalkeeper which has great flexibility and good agility, my reflexes has improved by training, At the moment im being trained one of the bury coach which has retried and made me want more in football which so i could join your club and i think you should give me chance such as a keeper like me that has been through a hard time but have made me a great goalkeeper
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: Because it's about time some one had a look at the real deal!!
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