Mohd shafee
    Last Name: Ali
    City: johor bahru
    State/Prov: johore
    Country: Malaysia
    Your Age: 29
    Playing Position: free role for the team wellness
    Current Football Club: null
    Past Football Clubs: woodlands wellingron
    Football Club you want a trial for: manchester united woodlands wellington jdt
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I am playing football from 5yrs old ..I had to work hard during schooldays and working days but I still had energy to play football daily entertain friends and families .even most of them would approach me personally telling me to be a professional footballer ..I would say I LOVE to but Mywork was overload. I am marathon runner too so I do keep fitness and diet incheck to mybest ..I feel now that if can after sometime earning and still playing football mostly I feel maybe if I could help pro team maybe 5-7yrs in me..I jus trying if not it's ok ..thanks
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I am alert and aware of abilityskills ..I accelerate fast and have fitness to speed continuously with and without ball I play to score and assist my mares for the beat of the team winning and losing is part of the game so I believe we do our best and the fans will understand ..I watch a lot of football games I am a man utd other countries too  so I am tactically aware I hope I can use these to help a pro team myteam if given opportunity I will come in Gove mybest and keep training improving daily if can ..thanks
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I LOVE football a lot I am not saying jus to become popular I jus want to be a footballer jus play football the right way Havin fun that is football respect all other fellow footballers ..entertain the fans who love watching football ..dedication is real in football wisdom and truth  is gonna last ..thanks


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