    Last Name: Henry-Graham
    City: Birmingham
    State/Prov: Edgbaston
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 
    Playing Position: Midfielder
    Current Football Club: Sporting FC
    Past Football Club: Sporting FC
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Westbromich Albion
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: It all started approximately five years ago when I started  learning football teniques and skills through a organisation called "football first".
    I was then given the opportunity to represent my primary school by joining the football team. We made the finals but unfortunately did not win this however our team was ranked the third best in Birmingham!.
    I'm currently on the football team for my secondary school and we have just won the cup game and  are awaiting our finals.
    I also play for a Saturday team in my spare time and have played for this team for two years  and have been acknowledged for being a reliable  player and was also rewarded at end of season for "players player."  I'm also on the waiting list to start  covere training to enhance my football  knowledge .
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I have good control of the ball and I'm also a fast player. I can use my speed to interrcept an opponent and  stop the ball from scoring.
    I currently play the midfield position but have been known  to play various positions such as strike and defence.
    I never look at playing a different position to my own has a negative but use this to my advantage has I feel this has given me a good understanding and appreciation of the postions plays by members of the team .  This also gives me a good insight and understanding to the opposition and techniques that may also be used against myself.
    I feel this outlook is a good quality to possess and  prooves that this makes me a strong team player with a good attitude, knowledge and understanding.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I feel an academy manager should give me a football trial has previously mentioned have been rewarded for my skills and qualities for being dedicated. I understand the importance and respect the FA rules and have a positive mental attitude which helps to defeat the opposition.
    I acknowledge any constructive criticsim and use this to better playing performance .
    I thrive off a positive mental attitude and will use this quality to boost  team morale when we have been defeated.
    I deserve to be given a football trial has football is my passion and would love to make this into a career.


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