    Last Name: EL Maanni
    City: Amsterdam
    State/Prov: Europe/Noord-Holland
    Country: Netherlands
    Your Age: 19
    Playing Position: striker rigth/left and Left/Rigth Wingback
    Current Football Club: Swift, and i play also for a football academy
    Past Football Club: D.C.G, Swift, Elinkwijk, D.W.S, Buitenveldert
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Real Madrid
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I played for different clubs like,
    1. Swift
    2. D.C.G
    3. D.W.S
    4. Buitenveldert
    5. Elinkwijk
    And i play for a Football Academy in the Netherlands, with that football Academy we play aganst first division clubs for experience.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I'm a fast player, strong with the ball.
    I'm technically fast.
    I'm also a good devender.
    I play as an attacker, and I'm also a defender. I can shoot with both legs, Left and rigth. I have a very good shot. I like to play on the rigth side so i can come to the left and shoot because my strong leg is left. But if i should go from the outside than i can also give a cross shot with my rigth leg.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: Because when I'm on the field and I hear the whitsle go than i give 100% from beginning till the end.
    It is a dream to be a proffesional football player, and I want to make that dream reality. I play Football since i was 4 years old, and official  at a club since i was 5 years old. And ifootball is my life.


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