    Last Name: Oconnor
    City: Dundalk
    State/Prov: Co louth
    Country: Ireland
    Your Age: 
    Playing Position: Attacking mid/no. 10
    Current Football Club: St kevins boys Dublin
    Past Football Club: St kevins boys
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Any
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I've played at the highest level in school boys football in Ireland for st Kevins boys ive won ddsl premier lge, dublin cup and was also selected to represent dublin schoolboys lge in the kennedy cup 2012 which i also won i also won 2 golden boots
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Am 6ft have good technical ability, awareness, strength, am a good passer of the ball i see good runs from my team mates for through balls, i can hold the ball up also to bring my team mates into play..
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: Am a good footballer i want to learn the game more i have a good professional attitude and would like a chance to show what i can do. Ive been offerd a place with bristol fc acdemey, under brian tinnion but just what to send in my cv to see what happens thanks Michael


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