Last Name: purohit
City: gwalior
State/Prov: madhya pradesh
Country: India
Your Age: 20
Playing Position: 7, 10
Current Football Club: dfa club gwalior
Past Football Clubs: aryabhatt club
Football Club you want a trial for: manchester united
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: My history is not so good.
From last 6 years i am playing football. I played for gwalior, under my captaincy we won after after 10 years, later i played at university level.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I always tried to give my best no matter who is opponent.
I have capebility to make moves, to give accurate passes and to dodge players.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: so that he can see my hidden talent.
Talent which can make his club to achive success. Because in every condition i will give my best and i will always workhard.
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