Last Name: conway
City: dublin
State/Prov: dublin
Country: Ireland
Your Age: 18
Playing Position: right back,centre back
Current Football Club: NA
Past Football Clubs: kinnegad fc and raharney fc
Football Club you want a trial for: arsenal,liverpool,aston villa,sheffield united
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Won the Dublin north Leinster league I have a lot of experience at top leagues in ireland,have played right back or in midfield and have been told to get trials
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: Work hard,don't stop until the match is over,have great vision by passing wise,always look for the winning ball
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I want to see if an academy manager think I could take it to professional level and also I think if I had the chance to get a trial I would impress the manager
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