Luis Felipe
Last Name: Aguilar Alarcón
City: Quito
State/Prov: Pichincha
Country: Ecuador
Your Age:
Playing Position: Central Attacker Middfielder (CAM)
Current Football Club: Liceo del Valle
Past Football Club: Independiente del Valle
Football Club You Want Trial For: Tottanham Hotspurs
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I'd started playing since I'm 3 or 4 football has always been my entire life, I'd dedicated my full time to football training and playing each day of my life. In 2013 I'd got injured I had a rupture of meniscus and I was operated the 15th of November in 2013 fortunately I had a brilliant recovering and I'm playing as good as before the operation, football has been a present for me and my love I really think that I have an special gift and I want the world to see it, I want to show it to England, Spurs supporters, and my country Ecuador.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I'm a Central Attacker Midfielder, I'm full of technic, also I've always been really elegant, my vision at the pitch is extraordinary, Sixto Vizuete Ecuador's u20s coach also said that to me, I've always loved to make precission passes, I had very good short and long passes, I have a great long shot and an incredible free kick shoot, I think I'm a complete midfielder but I have a lot to improve in.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: Because I love football and I'm really deficated, perseverance and happy yo improve and being better in each training and match. Because I know that I can improve your first team in u16s and one day the first team in the EPL, I'm from Ecuador and I can put that extra ingredient that Spurs need, I'm humble I'm going to do everything for football, if I'm not a footballer I don't know what else should I do. Just give me the chance yo show you how good I am and how good I can be.
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