    Last Name: Hasnat Abul Kadir
    City: Birmingham
    State/Prov: Europe
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 
    Playing Position: LB,RB,RM,CM,CAM
    Current Football Club: N/A
    Past Football Club: Birmingham Tigers
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Aston Villa Academy
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I have a very strong football background coming from when I was 7 years old. I used to go to the park and I used to play football with my friends for a laugh but when i got to the age of 9 I took football very seriously and I started developing my skills as a footballer. When I got to year 6 in school the teachers recognised my ability in football and started taking me to The Villa Academy to play against other schools. Then the managers of Birmingham Tigers came and saw me play football and liked me. I used to go to Birmingham Tigers week after week until the manger decided to abandon the club. Now my football coach at school said that I should not let my football talent go to waste and so I now am asking you to please give me a trial and I can show you that I am a great footballer and I haven't been wasting your time. Thank You (sorry for using more than 100 words).
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I think that I am a great footballer and my shooting ability is great, not only that but I can play in many different positions such as CB,LB,RB,CM,CAM. When I play in any of these positions I always play to my full potential and always give it my best, i am willing to give any position a go and give my best. In year 7 i played the best as a CB because i was great a tackling, then i became the best RB in my year and went on to be one of the best midfielder's in my school.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I am very hard working and every game I play to my full potential. i may sound arrogant but i doubt that there will be a match where i do not play to my full potential. I have a very strong passion for football; when it comes to playing in a football match i will go into every challenge and i will not be afraid to show my strength in football. Most of these reasons all add up to the fact that i love and enjoy football with everything I have so this is why i want to show you what I can do with this trial. Thank you.


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