Last Name: Aplin
City: Birmingham
State/Prov: Uk
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age:
Playing Position: Cam, cm
Current Football Club: Maypole juniors
Past Football Club: Birmingham city academy
Football Club You Want Trial For: Coventry, wolves, blues, Nuneaton, Kidderminster
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: My football history was from about 2 playing football then at the age of about 5 I joined my local team I spent a year there then I got scouted by birmingham city and joined them at the age of 6 till about 10 then eventually left and joined back at my old team maypole juniors
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: My playing ability is get it down on the floor I have very quite feet so I give and go. I like to think myself as someone like David Silva, Iniesta because I am not physically gifted that's why I am technically gifted I am quite vocal on the pitch and I have been playing football from a very young age so I understand the game very well
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: An academy manager should give me a trial because I know how to play because I have been at an academy so I know what academies expect of people also I can make any passes and I can shoot I also play for my school team, local team and bcfc elite team and I am hoping to get into an academy
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