Last Name: muriuki
City: johannesburg
State/Prov: none
Country: South Africa
Your Age:
Playing Position: striker/center forward
Current Football Club: crusaders
Past Football Clubs: sags soccer,ujuzi soka club,randburg
Football Club you want a trial for: kazier chiefs
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I've played football since 2005 when I was 6years old.I was top scorer for the crusaders u15 in 2013 and also for my school team in nairobi kenya.I've played football in various countries and in the gothia cup in sweden and played also in south africa and kenya.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I have good vision,I don't complain or back talk I have good pace not strong but technically gifted and can do some dribbles to beat the opponent and clever linking up with players. I'm a goal poacher and score lots of goals if given the opportunity
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I'm probably the most serious and focused person on becoming professional. I research various hours on how to become better and I'm very passionate about football its my life and if you give me a chance ill score goals for you as I'm hungry to prove to you what I'm capable of
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