    Last Name: sijugbade sundae
    City: omu aran
    State/Prov: kwara
    Country: Nigeria
    Your Age: 18years
    Playing Position: right back
    Current Football Club: alayoyo fc
    Past Football Clubs: alayoyo fc
    Football Club you want a trial for: chelsea, asenal,wolves,bolton
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing football at my early stage of life. At the age of nine(9years) i was playing for my primary school team were i started playing as a right back and i was featured in all the matches and competions the school went for. Later to my secondary school days the school also select me to the team at the age of fourteen(14years) where i was playin right and left fullback for the school team. At the age of seventeen(17years) i became the school team captain. At my last days in the school we went for a competition and we came third and i was also giving the best defener in d competition. After graduating from the secondary school, i decide to continue with my football career and i join the team (alayoyo fc) were i was also playing right and left back for the team and was going for many tournament with the team.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I am fitted to play for two hours none stop. I can speed and very good in holding ball to my possession, am also good in passing ball. And also i am an  utility player becuase sometime my coach try me in deending midfilder, attacking midfilder and fullback and i perform very good, am also good in heading ball
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: He should give me trial because i want to show my ability and prove myself that i am a good player and i would make a very good player for the team


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