adam lee day
    Age : 24
    Your County : gloucestershire
    Your Nationality : british
    Best Position : lm/rm
    Current Club : beeches football club
    Previous Clubs : Chedworth,cirencester
    Which Club you want a trials for : swindon,cheltenham
    Country you live : england
    Write about your football history : I have always been told by friends,coaches family that i should be playing football professionally. I started for a team when i was 12-16 i then drifted from club football made some bad decisions as was not dedicated enough lack of confidence i have now turned over a new leaf have confidence and want to chase my dream and ambitions would love a chance to show my ability to someone who would recognize a talented football player with great attitude and passion for football.
    Write about your Playing Ability : I can use both feet comfortably slightly stronger on my left foot. I have great attitude awareness and very much a team player. I have a talent and a dream and that is to be a professional footballer.
    Why should an Academy Director give you a trial : I am focused on my ambition and believe fully i have what it takes to make it as a professional footballer. I will give 110% in every game i play as well as training. I would love the chance to prove all this to someone who recognizes talent and potential as IL always give my all just need someone to meet me halfway or give me that opportunity.


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