Last Name: singh
City: chandigarh
State/Prov: punjab
Country: India
Your Age: 26
Playing Position: striker
Current Football Club: cfc india
Past Football Club: nfc delhi
Football Club You Want Trial For: wolverhampton f c
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I played football for almost 15 years.I started from school level in india.I was the playing member of our state team.I was also played for panjab university.I also represented Santosh Trophy football tournament and it is the most famous tournament in india.I also played for proffessional clubs in delhi.I love football so much ....thank you.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I am playing as a striker.I have a good speed and strength.My finishing and shooting is also good.I know how to take good position as a striker. I love to score goal with my ability.
I can also play as a right back because my tackling is also good.I am playing positively in both the position.You can also check my ability in trials......thank you
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: First of all i love football and i have a good interest to give trials and want to show my ability in practical.I want to play proffessional football in a good club and really want to enjoy my game in club level.One last thing......i respect football.....thank you
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