Last Name: Maturine
City: london
State/Prov: camden
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age: 22
Playing Position: CF, ST, CAM
Current Football Club: N/A
Past Football Club: Kentish Town FC
Football Club You Want Trial For: Portsmouth
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Started playing from age of 5/6. Started playing 5 aside at 8.
Started playing 8 aside at 10 for a local team.
Got scouted for Fulham at 12
Started playing 11 aside at 14.
Trained with Qpr at age 15, played 1 game scored 1 goal.
Trained with Wycombe wanders at 16. played 1 game scored 2.
Hit with knee injury so opted for education route and went to uni.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: my strengths include: short passing, medium range passing, key passing, acceleration, agility, long shots (both feet), ball control and skill. I am also tactical, a team player with a matured mind.
My weaknesses include: Heading, positioning, strength, recent match experience.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I should be given a trial because I have the potential to be a great professional footballer given the opportunity and training facilities.
With injury and a need for personal development and maturity I took a different path to university. This gave me an opportunity to develop my footballing brain from an observational stand point while improving my ball control and ball manipulation.
Although I haven't played competitively, regularly for a few years I have the determination and focus to find my feet. And I firmly believe that once I have trained regularly and have built the body I need, my ability and intelligence will shine through on the pitch.
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