    Last Name: De Sa
    City: Manchester
    State/Prov: Manchester
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 17
    Playing Position: Striker
    Current Football Club: None
    Past Football Clubs: Signol Athletic JFC
    Football Club you want a trial for: Manchester United
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words:  I always had the passion and love to play football, since i was a little kid i used to be watching and playing football with my Dad & friends, in portugal I used to join a local club that was A.D.C (associacao desportiva do Carregado) and then i got scouted to play in the portuguese league as junior in Belenenses and i used to train with sporting lisbon by then ,i'm a really good player and i can do well actually ,everything to improve it on my technique,abilities and skills because i believe on the capacity i got.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words:  My simple abilities in football is all about playing in Team-work ,as a main thing also: having a good communication with the team members and help them and the club go further with my wonderful capacity of doing brilliant dribbles, passes and some nice skills that may help the team reach victory and add the 3 points to the club ,because i really love playing football since i was a younger 5 yrs old and i got the passion for it ,i play amused and with love for the team shirt I wear,so i'd really like an opportunity to join a great clube ,i don't want to lose my opportunities and see it go away ,im already 17 and hopefully i get into a big team.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words:  An academy manager should give me a football trial because I'm an aspiring footballer and i'm thinking about joining a professional and good football academy or centre of excellence, to help me improve on my football style & make the team i've got scouted go further, i have a really great capacity of football, abilities and marvilous skills to a good junction or team play spirit for a team formation squad. So please I'd like an opportunity to join the club i promise I'll show my best at it. Furthermore it would be greatful for a Manager to see if i got the quality which they actually need in the current club.


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