Last Name: Cummings
City: London
State/Prov: Kent
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age:
Playing Position: Striker/ centre forward
Current Football Club: Phoenix Cougars
Past Football Club: Phoenix Cougars/ erith academy
Football Club You Want Trial For: Millwall
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Played for Phoenix cougars for four seasons now and I have always been told I'm a great player and I could play for a much better standard. This one season I was out for half the season and come back and scored twenty fourgoals and was top goal scorer in the league. I have also played for erith academy/ erith school team for two seasons and been told I'm a great target man and should be looking to join a much higher standard team. Iv always played football and always enjoyed it and would call it my hobby and I have a lot of passion and love for this sport.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: My playing ability I would say is I like to hold the ball up and let other players get forward and like to get assists but I also like to score as many goals as I can for my team I'm 6ft 2 so I can win headers and I would say I'm nicely built to be a footballer I like to stay fit to help win trophys and be successful. But from the past I have played a centre back and like to go up for headers I never back done from a header no matter what.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I think the academy manager should give me a trial because I would like to atleast try to become the best I can because I love this sport it is my life and I'm not busy for much else I havnt got lots of luxurys just a ball and a pair of boots and giving me the opportunity for a trial would mean so much to me and my family. Thank you
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