    Last Name: Hussain
    City: Kuala lumpur
    State/Prov: Kuala lumpur
    Country: Malaysia
    Your Age: 19 Years Old
    Playing Position: Attacking Midfielder / Forward
    Current Football Club: N/A but in professional Training
    Past Football Club: Played for high school only.
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Queens Park Rangers
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I played for my school from the age of 9-17. I always represented my school team as the captain and i played in many tournaments. I took lot of professional training including football clinic with Chelsea FC. Im still undergoing football training in a hope of an opportunity to play in professional team.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I have always played as an attacking midfielder, a second striker and also striker. I have speed, acceleration and stamina. I am known more as a playmaker because i create a lot of chances. I am physically strong and mentally alert as i take no time to make a decision for a move while playing.. I am more to playing as a team rather than individual although i can. My shooting power and accuracy is just perfect..
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I believe im the kind of player which professional football team are looking for. Just perfectly fit in the midfield of the team as i can be a game changer. Opposition always faces hard time from snatching the ball from me and i always provide the best ball to the teammates. I hope i am given a chance to prove my football talent and i am brought to my dream which is to be a world class professional player. Thanks a lot!


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