    Last Name: Dirie
    City: Leeds
    State/Prov: Yorkshire?
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 
    Playing Position: cam,cm,cdm or on the wing
    Current Football Club: Joining North east leeds u15 after i come back from holiday
    Past Football Club: Aarhus,Denmark when i was 6 til the age of 8
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Leeds united fc
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Well,I used to play for Aarhus fc youths team from the age of 6 till 8.I then came to England, started playing for local clubs and now I want to show a professional youth team. I truly think I deserve a chance to be seen since I know that I can succeed the challenge, Thank you
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I'm a versatile player. I can play anywhere in the middle and on the wings. I've got powerful accurate shots, Speed, and I'm comfortable at passing the ball as well as on the ball. If I get an opportunity to shoot on goal I'd definitely do so. Thank you
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: The academy manager should give me an opportunity since I'm a versatile player which there are hardly any of. I'm a team player. I've played against loads of youth team players in matches and I think I've got the potential to succeed in this trial and go on to helping the team win. Thank you


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