Ryan James
Last Name: Fisher
City: Gloucestershire
State/Prov: Cheltenham
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age:
Playing Position: Striker / left wing
Current Football Club: Southside football club
Past Football Clubs: Southside Winchcombe Cheltenham town
Football Club you want a trial for: Any available teams
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I had 10 week trials at Cheltenham town I played the following teams
Wolves (a)
Swindon (a)
Swansea (h)
Kidderminster harriers (h)
Oxford (h)
Bournemouth (h)
I'm also playing grassroots for local club Southside Tigers
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I play striker left wing /right wing as I'm left and right footed I do throw ins free kicks etc as I'm used all over with my local team
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I've had trials with Cheltenham town and I'm willing to travel with my mum and dad all parents keep saying I should play for a team as I've been playing footy since I was 3 for Southside ive been put up under11s even thou I'm just 9 but league had to go bk down
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