Last Name: Williams
City: Long Compton
State/Prov: Warickshire
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age:
Playing Position: CF,RW,CAM
Current Football Club: Shipton F.c
Past Football Club: Shipston.Fc
Football Club You Want Trial For: Wolves
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I Started at shipston and scored 30 goals in my first season then the second season scored 61 goals.I went for trials at Cheltenham but I was ingured so I wasent up to my best
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: When I'm playing I like to take people on although I make sure I don't loose the ball.I
Have a powerful shot and bags load of pace (that's how I score so many)
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: Because I think I just give a team that extra boost.
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