Last Name: Mofokeng
City: Johannesburg
State/Prov: Gauteng
Country: Country
Your Age: 19
Playing Position: Midfield
Current Football Club: N/A
Past Football Club: Played in high school
Football Club You Want Trial For: any
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing soccer at a young age at home with some of my friend(boys). I learnt a lot from them and then decided to start playing for my primary school. I never had a lot of exposure so could not represent the province and play at a higher level. I then went on to play in high school and even got a chance to be the vice captain for my team which was called Blue Dynamites. My school's name was Blue Hills College in Midrand. Soccer is one of my favourite sports and I am very passionate about it.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I am a very dedicated player and I play Midfield or center back. I enjoy running which is why I love midfield left. I am also a fast learner and have a little bit of skill. I love slide tackles because I am very good in doing them. I also love challenge
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I think because I know that I am good at what I am doing and I have been waiting for this chance for such a long time. And again I want to become one of the Banyana Banyana players in future. I will be a good asset to the country
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