Last Name: Nascimento
City: Preston
State/Prov: Lancashire
Country: Country
Your Age: 19
Playing Position: midfielder
Current Football Club: Imortal AlBUFEIRA
Past Football Clubs: Chesterfield football club
Football Club you want a trial for: Liverpool Football club
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: From the age of 5 years old , I started with the local football team has a midfield player.
This lead to me having trials with Benfica and Sporting , and I then became the captain of the local team I.D.C (Imortal Desportivo Clube de Albufeira - Portugal).
During this time I also got called for trials at Blackburn Rovers , a year later I was called to play for Chesterfield Youth Team, and my position has a midfielder I was also the captain of the team for the season I played. Unfortunately I had to leave and return back to Portugal ( Family Commitement ).
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: my position has a midfielder I was also the captain of the team for the season I played.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I would like to carry on with my carrier has a footballer , and I am very interested in coming to Liverpool Football club ,to show you my skills has a midfielder. I would like you to invite me for trials , so you have a better idea of me.
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