Last Name: Fallon
City: Manchester
State/Prov: Fallowfield
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age: 24
Playing Position: Midfield / Attacker
Current Football Club: None
Past Football Club: School team
Football Club You Want Trial For: Droyslden FC
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I have only played for my school teams and never been given the opportunity to play for another team as I lost confidence in my ability
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I can play anywhere across the midfield but feel my strongest positions are either on the wing or up front as I have pace and very direct with the ball, I don't try and do fancy skills I just feel playing direct is a lot better. I have great control and short and long passing and I can finish, but I also never give up on a loose ball and chase the defence down to put them under pressure
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: Because I feel this is my last chance to prove myself and to others that I can become a footballer, this has always been a dream and I always give 200% and will do my best for my team attacking and defending wise. And I would love I get droyslden in to he football league and I know I can help them achieve this
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