    Last Name: Ibeabuchi
    E-Mail Address:
    City: Enugu
    State/Prov: Enugu
    Country: Nigeria
    Current Football Club: None
    Past Football Clubs: S.I.H Team  and Umueke community Team
    Football Club you want a trial for: Sheffield Wednesday FC
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing soccer at a tender age due to my strong will and a natural talent in it. I was chosen to play in most of our inter-house games and outside invites from other schools,where i gained an award of being one of the youngest and enterprising player.

    During my high school,i participated in major school soccer outings and inter-schools competition.I was named the best utility player of the year 2011. 
    Due to my contributions and success in the game,i was nominated to participate in a Continental soccer program(Aspire Africa) which i still have my membership I.D.
    I accomplished alot in the game,developed tactical ability off and on the pitch,how to be a team player,result oriented and most of all i promoted the growth of the game,by being a  role model to other aspirants of the game and setting a standard both in sports as well as academically. 
    Due to these achievements and experience,i resigned myself with the fact that will power has so much role to play in one's life,in all ramifications.
    I also played prominent parts in my community soccer team(Umueke Community Team),helping the team to advance to the semi-finals of our 2010/2011 soccer tournament
    Soccer is a lovely game which requires talent,physical and mental energy,but most importantly it requires 'WILL' of a high magnitude.Some other players might have had the talent for the game, much more than i did,but what carried me far and has kept me there is 'WILL'. 
    I'm also a result oriented student in my academics,in as much i love soccer,i still mind my studies alot and very passionate about it.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I'm a player who like to take on new tasks and try to add something new to it.I center my playing abilities on Midfield,on which i can take any role in the midfield with ease.
    I also play the forward positions,both as a winger and a supportive striker,but i prefer the SS role most.
    I also have the height necessary for any position.
    I play with both foots,despite having the right foot as my favourite,i can stir up things with my left foot as well.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: The reasons why i consider myself eligible for any football trial is because i have in-depth ideas about the game both on and off the pitch,i already have the basic skills to advance to the next level,thereby not needing the Coach to teach me the basics.I also have the height,physique,endurance,ochestrated style to add to the game and most of all,i have the WILL to keep rising,no matter how many times i fall.


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