    Last Name: DAVIES
    State/Prov: WEST MIDLANDS
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 
    Playing Position: LEFT WING/STRIKER
    Current Football Club: PENN COLTS
    Past Football Club: -
    Football Club You Want Trial For: WOLVES/ WALSALL
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I have played football since i was 5 years old. I currently play for Penn Colts i have played for them for 4 years. I play the left wing position and scored 17 goals this season. Last season i scored 34 goals for the team. I was asked to join walsall district when i was 12 years old, But i was comfortable with there training procedure so i left. I am still with Penn colts but i want to go further now. As i feel i have become stronger and faster as i am a runner too.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Last year i went to Alexander Stadium and ran for the school I am currently the 8th fastest year 9 student in Walsall. I have ball skills and speed. I like playing the left wing bc i am a natural sprinter and i play with me left foot. I am good at all different skills and play as part of my team. I can pass the ball so it lines up with the striker to score the goal. I like to take free kicks and take my corners and i can curl the ball.  My shot power is improving tremendously.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I am very focused, I believe in working as part of a team. I am fast paced as i am the 8th fastest child in year 9 in walsall. I dedicate myself to football it's my passion. I have played since i was 5 years old. I am left footed player but i can also play with my right. I scored 17 goals this season playing on left wing and 34 goals last season. I was asked to play for Walsall district but at the time i wasn't comfortable but now i am ready to build myself up and move on sport is my life football is my life.


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