Last Name: lawal imam
City: Abuja fedral republic
State/Prov: kogi state
Country: Nigeria
Your Age: 1995
Playing Position: striking
Current Football Club: Rapid football club
Past Football Clubs: Rail united
Football Club you want a trial for: Arsenal football club
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Hey i'm abubakar lawal imam i started my football in the age of seven am good in football i dn't joke when i'm in the field i love football but i have no one that will manage me up.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: in tence of football i use all my ability to make sure that i win and i also play with utmost dedication and tansparency to become a great player in fucture.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: i wont the academy to choose me becouse i dn't wont to loose my talent i love football'football is my fucture and i also thank God for giving this chance and specail be to arsenal.
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