Last Name: Ortez
City: Palmdale
State/Prov: California
Country: United States
Your Age:
Playing Position: Forward and midfielder
Current Football Club: Lightning
Past Football Club: LA Galaxy
Football Club You Want Trial For: Real Madrid
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: My football history is that I have played football ever since I was 5. I started playing football because I saw real madrid play on TV and I wanted to be like them in the future. I want to be in real madrid's team. I have always wanted to be a professional football player because I love football and I always go outside and play. Me and my dad always go to the park and practice on my dribbling shooting passing and technique so I can one be a professional footballer. I would like win the balon d'oro in the future meanwhile I will be trying my best to get better and become a professional footballer.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: My playing ability is really good I play as a forward and as a midfielder. I play like messi because I dribble a lot and get past defenders with my speed. I can score a lot of goals with half a chance and I can lose a defender easily. I give a lot of good passes like James rodriguez and Iniesta I give really good through balls. I can also run down the wings like Ronaldo and bale and I take long shots like Ronaldo so my team can be winning. I have scored a lot of goals in the past for my football team. I'm rarely on the bench for my team because I'm the only really good forward and midfielder. I can dribble really good with my left foot like di Maria and messi.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I think an Academy manager should give me a football trial because I can show them all my football skills and abilities and if I'm bad at something I can improve and be better and show them I have the capability of being a professional footballer in the future. I can show them how good i am at passing and shooting the ball. I can assist people with really good passes. I can curve the ball really good for a cross and a free kick. I can help teams out with goals because I have a really good shooting ability with my left foot.
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