Last Name: CHINDA
    E-Mail Address:
    City: Portsmouth
    State/Prov: Hampshire
    Country: United Kingdom
    Current Football Club: I play for the University Inter Mural team
    Past Football Clubs: none
    Football Club you want a trial for: Southampton, Manchester city, Liverpool
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: My passion for football started at a very tender age back in Nigeria when i used to watch Ronaldinho at Barcelona. I played normal friendly games with other people in city and i was always the stand out player in all the friendly leagues i played in an this motivated me. I came to England and nothing has changed really. I still stand out amongst my peers who proove to be beter copetition from those who iplayed with back in Nigeria. I am presently playing for an itermural team in the University of Portsmouth and was a finalist in the last intermural leauge.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I prefer to play either as a left wing forward or right wing forward because of my blistering pace but sometimes coaches tend to play me as a enre forward because of my ability to run between the centre halfs and also my acrobatic skills. i am also good on air and hand good ball control.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: An academy Manager should please give me a chance because football is my dream and i wish to pursue that dream with whatever it may cost me. I also believe that i have the necceary skills to go on and play professional football if given the right training.


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