Last Name: Andile
City: Bloemfontein
State/Prov: Free state
Country: South Africa
Your Age: 25 years
Playing Position: Stricker
Current Football Club: Eleven idear fc
Past Football Clubs: City leds fc
Football Club you want a trial for: Bloemfontein celtic fc
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Am strong stricker am good in scored goals am good header long ball shorting good pass ball i have a paise in attecking am not geting tired i finish 90 minuts with the same paise i have to score 1 to 2 goal in a match please try me a suffering with my talent am a displin player from technical,coach and from another players
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: I am respecting following orders with out complain i love physical training and i train harder am strongest stricker i play left , right and free roal i fight untill i am get goal to be am still playing in lower league is because of lower development of the location i coming from thank you
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: I could like u to give thise academy because am a good player and i know i never disapoint you i with get to pass the trail without dout am good you never be ashamed for giving me these chance
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