Graham franklin
Age : 22
Your County : Hertfordshire
Your Nationality : British
Best Position : Striker
Current Club : AFC Meads
Previous Clubs : Thunderage
Which Club you want a trials for : West ham
Country you live : England
Tell us about your football history (Min 100 words) : I have always had a passion for football ever since I first played when I was 5 years old. I first started playing for a team when I was 7 which was ware youth. From then on I built up my skills and then joined a few different teams when I was a bit older which were spread eagle, thunderage, Christ church and AFC Meads. Playing for different teams allowed me to develop my techniques and helped me find the position I play best in, however I do like to play in every position and swapping around to help maintain the skills I learnt needed in every position.
Write about your Playing Ability (Min 50 words) : I feel as if I can read games well and always willing to help team mates out to get the best outcome in the end. I also like to practise to make myself better and maintain what I have already learnt. I'm always really passionate about games and play to my full potential every time.
Why should an Academy Director give you a trial (Min 50 words) : Because I am a really passionate player and love to learn new skills and techniques throughout games and training. I also like to praise team mates and help them out as much as I can through training with them and communicating with them throughout matches. I also like to know my weaknesses so I can practise them to improve them further in between training and matches.
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