    Last Name: De Sa
    City: Manchester
    State/Prov: Lisbon
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 16
    Playing Position: Stirker
    Current Football Club: Signol athletic
    Past Football Club: A.D.C
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Manchester City
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words:  I've started playing football since a long time, and since i was a little childs i already had the talent,ability and the dom to play soccer, i love football and i am a really talented footballer ,i used to play football at grounds with my friends and i already had some tournments were i was considered as the 2nd top scorer of my street league; in ireand years past ,since when i was in primary school i was a brilliant kid with talented great skills and won some medals with the class ,now i was playing at signol athletic in stockport here already in Uk but i want even a bigger team for me because i believe in myself and i'll standout there in a big named team. My parents always supported me at it,because i got the got ability to help a team go further and i deserve it. If gives me this opportunity i promise i'll work hard and try my best putting the effort into it.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I'm agle and a ace portuguese footballer already had the talent,ability and the dom to play soccer, i love football and it is a paisson for me ,so it's something that no one can take from me, i got a great ability and i entre into a amazing contact with the ball, i have good skills,i'm fast, i have a extraordinary vision of a game,furthermore i'm actually best playing at the stike even being able to play at the left wing. Every single match i've being trough people seen that i'm a good player and always being supported by manager, specially my family and my friends at all.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words:  An academy manager should give me a football trial because then they could be sure of what techniques and abilities i have to play at the football club. Trials are even way more helpful and better for my strentgh and effort,i'm such a great player and if an academy manager/coaach sees me playing in a match he never regret & wouldn't never anger to repent for giving me an opportunity and have chosen me in your options because honestly I can say I'm a good player and I have a lot of talent, abilities, and I'm a kid with great agility to play for a big club like Man city and also Besides this already come in this fight for football in a long timeSince kid who always watched football with my father, uncle, etc..and always will appreciate, still enjoy the football and never was no longer so, what I have to say now is only if I happen to get a place in the team I swear I will not disappoint them.


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