    Last Name: Kazi
    City: Dhaka
    State/Prov: Dhaka
    Country: Bangladesh
    Your Age: 
    Playing Position: Goal Kepper
    Current Football Club: Not/Available
    Past Football Club: Not/Available
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Arsenal
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing football at the age of 8.First I use to play up front,but later changed to a goalkepper because of Iker Casillas.In Bangladesh I play for my school senior team;In Bangladesh Underground tournaments are held and I play for a team there,I won the Best Goalkeeper Awards several times.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Well,while growing up I have heard many times never to give praise to your abilities,because this might drag me down and make me over confident.I always feel like I need to improve to be better than everyone else.As far as I can tell I give everything I have in a match,and never give up.I try to learn from my mistakes.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: Well,it is actually a dream to play football in a crowd of millions.Well I don't know what to say actually.I have learned life the hard way,and I can please the manger by doing what he wants me to do.I know that I can try to bring an extra something into the team.


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