    Last Name: O'Brien
    City: Orlando
    State/Prov: Fl
    Country: United States
    Your Age: 22
    Playing Position: Center Back / Holding Midfield
    Current Football Club: Orlando City
    Past Football Club: Flagler College
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Any
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Previously played 4 years at University in Florida at NCAA Division 2 level. Before moving to the USA I played for Ascot United First Team where I was on trial with Reading FC. Played for Ashford Town (Middlesex) and had place offered to play at Weymouth Town FC under John Hollins as a 16 year old.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Comfortable with both left and right foot. Can read the game very well. Very high pass accuracy with both long and short distribution. Not afraid to get stuck into a tackle. Good at breaking up attacks and also organizing my team.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I am a very passionate player who is willing to do whatever it takes to be noticed. I give 110% at everything I do and am willing to run through as many walls I can to prove that I have what it takes. Growing up everyone used to tell me that I will never make it as a professional footballer and I am determined to prove everyone wrong!


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