    Last Name: Mc Auley
    City: Dublin
    State/Prov: Leinster
    Country: Ireland
    Your Age: 16
    Playing Position: Right Back
    Current Football Club: Navan Road United
    Past Football Club: Rivermount Boys F.C.
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Queens Park Rangers
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing football 2 years ago at under 15s schoolboy football for Rivermount Boys F.C., it only took me a week to get a permanent starting spot in a Right back position for the whole year. My team barely lost out on the league by a couple points that season, at the end of the season I had captained the team 4 times in our last few games and received Most Improved Player award. The next year for under 16s I played for Navan Road United where I played in centre midfield for a pre-season tournament, at the start of the league I played in Right Midfield for half a year and after Christmas I played Right Back again for the rest of the season. At the end of this season I was awarded Managers Player of the Year and Players Player of the Year awards.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Of all traits I am best at defending, I'm a great tackler, mostly sliding, I've never gotten a yellow or red card despite the number of tackles I make, and heading the ball in also one of my strong areas especially winning them on kickouts, when playing right back I always make runs along the wing and attack but I make sure someone is covering me, I am a very vocal player and talk on the pitch a lot. I have high fitness and never stop running because I am very determined and hate to lose, I'm good at man marking and never ball watch, I'm also quick on the counter attack.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I won't disappoint! Ever since I started football I've loved the game, it's my passion, I'd train all day and every day if I could. I can't really see myself doing anything in the future besides football where I'd be happy, football is the only thing I want to be doing, not for money or fame but because it's what I love doing more than anything, I think I should get a trial because given half the chance to be playing the game at a high level I'll be determined to succeed and I won't let down. I'll work hard given the opportunity.


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