    Last Name: Roche-Gerrard
    City: Stevenage
    State/Prov: Hertfordshire
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 17
    Playing Position: centre back
    Current Football Club: watford north herts development scheme
    Past Football Club: fairlands youth FC
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Queens Park Rangers
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: i started playing football when i was around 5 years old, i played for fairlands youth for about 6 years and had a brief trail at Norwich academy. I now play for Watford North Herts development academy which i have been playing at for a year. It is a decent standard in a college league. i have also played football tournaments in Denmark at the Dana cup and also had a football training camp at sportila in Italy for 2 weeks last May.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I have played Centre back for most of my life, i am 6 ft 1 and i am fairly decent in the air and winning headers. I am a passionate player who isn't afraid to put in a hard tackle when needed. also i am fairly quick on the ground. I find that i learn quickly and i would love to be able to learn from playing at a proper academy. My biggest strength in my opinion is timing my tackles well.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I think I deserve a trial because i have worked hard for years and i think that i deserve a place in an academy to develop my skills further. i follow a gym and diet plan in order to improve my playing ability and i am extremely passionate about playing football and making a career out of it. i feel like i need football in my life and i dont know what id do without it.


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