    Last Name: Stevenson
    City: Norwich
    State/Prov: Wymondham
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 
    Playing Position: Striker
    Current Football Club: Morley youth FC
    Past Football Club: Wymondham town hawks
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Cambridge United
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I was always a key player at wymondham finishing as top scorer most seasons then as u got older more players came in I became a center midfielder for about three years. More players started coming I dropped out of favour so decided to move on a few months ago after nine years at wymondham. Now at Morley I play as a striker again and have scores five in three games. My fitness was never very good when I was younger but this year I was determined to raise my fitness. So over the summer that is exactly what I did.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I am a very capable player. I can play in either central midfield or as a striker. I have good vision to play pick out passes and also to be able to make runs behind the defence. I will admit my long passing isn't the best but I think I make up for that with attributes like stamina, finishing and strength. For a striker I'm not very selfish compared to others as I was center midfielder for so long but if I see a decent opportunity to shoot I will take it. If I'm not confident I will pass instead.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I think I should be given a trial because I have a passion for the game. I live football. It's all I have ever known. All I ever think is football and I think I should be able to show what I can do and have the chance of playing for an academy and one like Cambridge would be great. It's a big academy with a good first team. I have never really been given a chance over the last three seasons so I feel now I am starting to be given chances again I should be given a chance to shine properly


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