Last Name: o'hanlon
City: connor downs
State/Prov: Cornwall
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age: 19
Playing Position: goalkeeper
Current Football Club: hayle
Past Football Clubs: hayle fc
Football Club you want a trial for: plymouth argyle
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Only played goalkeeper for hayle from u14 till now with a 2 year gap where i played outfield in every position, played for west cornwall under 15 in a tournament in holland where i didnt let a goal in all tournament, played cornwall combination league for hayle
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: Excellent shotstopper with a good kick, sometimes unaccurate but practice makes perfect
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: Ive become a good keeper from no training from coaches at all, if i had the coaching i could become a really good keeper
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