Last Name: james
City: atlanta
State/Prov: georgia
Country: United States
Your Age:
Playing Position: forward
Current Football Club: concorde north elite
Past Football Club: southern soccer academy
Football Club You Want Trial For: Real Madrid
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I have been playing competitively since age 5 and have been playing academy soccer since 7. I have scored over 500 goals during this time. The U12 team I play for is ranked 2nd in the U.S.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I am in the top 10 sprinters in the U.S. in my age. Google my name and you will see videos of me at nationals track and field. I am the #1 high jumper my age in the U.S., so I am a pure athlete. I play with blistering pace, skill, and shoot with both feet. My playing style is like Ronaldo - El Phenomeno.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: Because, there is no other 11 year old with my goal scoring ability.
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