    Last Name: Ascroft
    City: Wigan
    State/Prov: Lancashire
    Country: Country
    Your Age: 
    Playing Position: CM
    Current Football Club: Pemberton fc
    Past Football Club: Cherrybrook
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Wigan athletic
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I have played football from being 4 yrs old , started at the robin park arena on a Saturday morning .When I was 6 I moved to cherrybrook fc ,were I then got scouted for Manchester City , but I didn't enjoy my time there as I wasn't a confident player. I am now playing for pemberton fc under 14's playing in the under 15's league. Playing with confidence In my every game helping my team acheive more .
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I am a type of player that spreads the ball and have a good view of my surroundings when I am playing. I am also my teams engine,by tracking back and making last minute challenges .I also drive forward with the ball aiming to provide chances for my team mates . I am a team player and believe in working hard in training trying to make improvements on my game.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words:  I give my all in training and captain the school team (Abraham guest academy) . I will never give up even when my team drops behind  and will not give the referee grief . I do what my manager tells me and each and every game get my full commitment . If I got the opportunity  to get this trial I would give 100% .thanks Taylor .


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