Marcus  Amedeo
    Last Name: Chapman
    City: Horsham
    State/Prov: West Sussex
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 
    Playing Position: Right Back
    Current Football Club: Chesworth rovers/ crawley Panthers
    Past Football Club: Forest Youth
    Football Club You Want Trial For: Brighton and hove Albion
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing football when I was 7 for Chesworth rovers which is my local team,i still play for them now. I also play for Crawley Panther Blues in the Mid Sussex league. I am at the The Forest school in  Horsham were I play in the A team.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I am a right back for Crawley Panthers Blue and i am reserve goal keeper but mostly out on pitch. For cheswoth rovers I have played right back also but have now been moved to central mid and have done well and scored some good goals.These positions have been good for me.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I am very passionate about football. I have been told by coaches that I have a good understanding of football and a good forward thinker when I play. I would like to have a chance to show my ability and the way I can play and hopefully be able to have a trial.It would be a great experience to be able to have a trial with professional coaches.


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