    Last Name: Emberson
    City: london
    State/Prov: essex
    Country: United Kingdom
    Your Age: 
    Playing Position: Right Mid
    Current Football Club: Romford Borough Youth FC U10
    Past Football Club: RBYFC U9, U8, U7
    Football Club You Want Trial For: london and essex clubs
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Bobby has played for Romford borough youth FC since joining there soccer school when he was 6 years old. He was then chosen for the under 7's 'A' team and is still with them now playing for the under 10's.He also was chosen to represent his school team after attending there trials last september.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Bobby is recognised as one of the best players for his team. He's confident and eager to play his best. He is quick on his feet with superb balance and plays very well in right midfield. Hes won trophies including managers player and was made captain for the under 10's at the start of the season.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: whilst Bobby enjoys playing with RBYFC U10s, he feels as though he cannot play to his full potential and the club holds him back. he wants to move on to learn more displine in the game and to improve contstantly.


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