: Ludovic Paul Kamga Mafogho
Age : 20
Your County : France
Your Nationality : French
Best Position : Attacking Midfielder
Current Club : Norwich University (USA)
Previous Clubs : none
Which Club you want a trials for : Conference Clubs and above
Country you live : United States
Write about your football history : I am from France but grew up in Africa as it is where my parents are originally from. There, we did not have the same facilities as in Europe regarding football development. I still manage to get a scholarship in the United States and play college soccer (as it called in the US). However, I personally feel that I belong to Europe where I was never given a chance since I did not leave there for a long time.
Write about your Playing Ability : Ambidextrous and technically above average. Good vision, powerful and long range shot. Explosiveness: ability to beat defenders in a 1v1 situation
Why should an Academy Director give you a trial : . I know I might not have the best CV you will receive but I have the most determination to succeed. This is the reason why I ask you the opportunity to convince you with my qualities.
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