Last Name: Pereira
City: Mansfield
State/Prov: Nottinghamshire
Country: United Kingdom
Your Age: 23
Playing Position: Centre Midfield/ Centre Attacking Midfield
Current Football Club: N/A (moved back from USA)
Past Football Clubs: Stingers (Local League) Rider University (USA)
Football Club you want a trial for: Any but if possible Mansfield Town
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: Started playing when i was six and played and captained Stingers (mansfield local league). Had youth team trials for Nottingham Forest when i was 13. Continued to play for my school team (Queen Elizabeth's) until I was 18. Then I went and played basketball and football at University in America for Rider University for the past four years.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 50 Words: 6"2, tall, quick midfielder. I can play with both feet. Calm and composed on the ball. Jumping ability is great. Will be a box to box midfielder. Shots are accurate and powerful. Can take free kicks and penalties.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 50 words: My work ethic is relentless, I would be the first one to training and the last one to leave. I also work hard in the gym. I just need a chance to prove how good I can be and I wouldn't disappoint whoever gave me that chance.
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