    Last Name: Akinwale
    City: Dublin
    State/Prov: Lienster
    Country: Ireland
    Your Age: 16
    Playing Position: Centre midfield
    Current Football Club: Lucan United
    Past Football Club: Lucan United,Esker Celtic, Pemount United
    Football Club You Want Trial For: fulham
    Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I have been playing football since i was 5 in Ireland,but my most successful year was in the 2012-103 season. My club Lucan united got to the All Ireland Final and lost 1-0 to Cherry Orchard,we also got to the Premier Cup final and beat Malahide.
    We were also going for the league that year but after the two finals everything went down hill and we ended up coming 4th.
    Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: Iam big and strong,i play in the midfield,just infront of the defence but i can aslo play as a box to box. I like to get on the ball and pass it  out the the wings. I can drive forward with the ball to get the team up the pitch and start an attack. I like to play football but if it is a battle in the midfield iam ready for that too.
    Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: I have been unlucky in recent years with clubs etc. I always give 100% no matter how the game is going. I have a great attitude to football and iam willing to play anywhere if iam needed. I play in midfield but i can also play as a centre back or as a right back


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