Last Name: Mishra
City: Kolkata
State/Prov: West Bengal
Country: India
Your Age:
Playing Position: Right-back
Current Football Club: No Club
Past Football Club: No Club
Football Club You Want Trial For: Queens Park Rangers
Tell us about your football history in 100 words: I started playing a couple of years ago. I was motivated by my friends to take up football and now, I am in love with this game.
Tell us about your Playing ability in 100 Words: I play as a full-back. My strong foot is the right one. I have good acceleration, speed, chasing the opponent, man-marking, a good vision for passing, shooting, blocking passes and shots, long ball accuracy, set-pieces and involvement with the team in attack. I lack strength, ball control, stamina and heading accuracy.
Why should an Academy Manager give you a football trial in 100 words: An Academy Manager should give me a football trial because I believe in myself and I think that I can make it to the biggest stage and even if I don't, at least I can learn something from the experience and give it a shot again sometime later in the future.
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