daniel beardsley sanders
Age :
Your County : derbyshire
Your Nationality : british
Best Position : central attacking midfielder CAM
Current Club : duffield dynamos ,belper sports and been offered a position with derby schools FA
Previous Clubs : belper town
Which Club you want a trials for : derby county academy
Country you live : england
Write about your football history : At primary school I played outfield aswell as in goals winning a few local tournaments.I played for Belper town gold sox for two seasons in midfield.I also play in midfield for ecclesbourne school Duffield where I got spotted for a trial to go to derby schools FA and got offered a current position.whilst playing for Belper town we won the league and I got top goal scorer for my team getting a total of 33 goals,wy position was still center mid at the time.I then joined Duffield harriers playing on a Saturday and recently joined Belper sport playing in thesunday league.
Write about your Playing Ability : I feel iam an all rounder at football even in goals. I take all the corners and free kicks for my team, I have the ability for placing good corners, I can place the free kicks from 30-40yards out with good eye to ball co-ordination.I feel iam strong and commited to both the teams I play for aswell as school giving every game 100% never missing training sessions or games,encouraging and organizing my fellow team mates.
Why should an Academy Director give you a trial : Im a team player, dedicated enthusiastic and very passionate maybe a little too much,hence would like to be moulded and advised on how to become a better player. I believe that I would be a good asset for you aswell as you would be for me if I was chosen for this opportunity.thank you dan.
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